Falling Girl: A Navajo Nation Mystery by R. Allen Chappell

Falling Girl: A Navajo Nation Mystery by R. Allen Chappell

Author:R. Allen Chappell [Chappell, R. Allen]
Language: eng
Format: azw3
Published: 2020-02-02T00:00:00+00:00


Eileen, came from the shower wrapped in a towel and finding him gone, thought Robert probably had gone for food, neither of them had eaten since the day before and even in her current state she thought a little something might do her good. Robert had mentioned several times that the two of them shouldn’t be seen in public together if it could be avoided. No, she was certain he had gone looking for breakfast.

It was cool in the room and she rifled among their open bags before throwing on one of Robert’s clean flannel shirts and then dug out a fresh pair of her jeans. She was aware Robert had a pistol, taken from his brother-in-law’s house on a whim, but it was no longer in his bag and she thought she knew why. It was lucky for him he had taken it with him. Though her mind had cleared somewhat, a nervous edge was beginning to build. She really hadn’t been thinking clearly for days now, making memories of the past, all the more painful.

She knew Robert had a small supply of product laid back—it was his fallback, he told her—and while he had remained generous with her for the time being, that could change, should things not go his way. For the present, however, she was afforded this small window of cogent thought…before her skin began to crawl, the whisperings began, and darkness enveloped her once more. Then there would be no getting away from Robert, not without outside help there wouldn’t.


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